Nebraska Knoll Sugar Farm Testimonials

" That syrup was so good my tongue jumped out and slapped my brain."
— the man from Mississippi

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" Our family especially enjoys the syrup on waffles since they can fill up all the holes in the waffles and get a real sugar high."
— The Berlins, Virginia

" Couldn't pass up Nebraska Knoll"
— the couple from Beemer, Nebraska

" Our visit to your farm was the highlight of our first visit to the United States."
— D. Walker, Scotland

" This is the most delicious syrup I've ever tasted. Can't wait to come back. Charming!"
— S. Ivers, Florida

"Simply to say that the 2014 dark with robust taste was absolutely superb. The McQueen's and Gracey's visited your farm while on a fall tour of New England. We did buy a few bottles - but unfortunately most are empty! Just a pity that you are so far away"            -Harry Gracey, Northern Ireland